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Proactive Design

Proactive Design

A different approach to managed IT services

A different approach to managed IT services

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying ahead of the curve is more critical than ever. New Mexico Enterprise Networks recognizes this fact, and we've come up with a unique approach to addressing it that we call Proactive Design. This strategy ensures that our clients not only keep up with the times, but remain one step ahead.

So, what is Proactive Design?

Proactive Design is a forward-thinking, comprehensive strategy for IT management that places an emphasis on prevention as the best cure. It's not just about fixing problems as they arise, but anticipating them and devising solutions even before they manifest. The key features of this approach include:

  1. Regular Assessments: Every business is unique, with a distinct set of challenges and needs. Recognizing this fundamental truth, Proactive Design begins with a comprehensive assessment of a client's IT environment. Whether through a complimentary site survey for prospective clients or a more in-depth audit, this assessment ensures that the IT team has a clear understanding of the existing setup and potential challenges.

  2. Identifying Problems and Solutions: It's not just about identifying problems, but offering solutions. Once a concern is recognized, clients are presented with a detailed report of the identified issues and a proposal for upgrades or projects that will address these concerns.

  3. Staying Up-to-Date: In a world of proliferating tech exploits and exploding cybercrime, outdated technology can become a liability. Proactive Design emphasizes the early replacement of end-of-life hardware and software. This approach ensures better performance, reliability, and security, helping our clients avoid costly encounters with cyber-criminals. As much as possible, we avoid "kicking the can down the road" and allowing short-term "bandaid" fixes to languish without further corrective action.

  4. Avoiding the Break-Fix Mentality: A common mistake in IT management is the break-fix approach: waiting for something to break, then fixing it. Proactive Design moves away from this reactive model. Instead of applying temporary fixes, it seeks to address the root cause of the problem, ensuring that the same issues don't crop up repeatedly.

  5. Uncompromising Quality Control: Quality is non-negotiable in Proactive Design. If equipment installations and upgrades don't meet our high standards, we revisit them until they do. This ensures that our clients don't pay for the same job multiple times and guarantees the longevity of the solutions implemented.

  6. Attention to Detail: IT shouldn't just be about functionality. How the equipment we install integrates into a business's environment matters. We pay close attention to oft-neglected factors like aesthetics, cable management, and ease of maintenance. These details might seem minor, but they can affect the user experience and the efficiency of future repairs and upgrades dramatically.

  7. Holistic Thinking: Finally, Proactive Design isn’t just a set of rules or a checklist: it's a philosophy. It entails looking at the big picture, understanding how different elements of a business's IT environment interact, and planning for the future.

Proactive Design is a promise to our clients of future-proof solutions, top-notch workmanship, and a commitment to considering the bigger picture. In a rapidly changing digital world, staying proactive isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity.